Expert Dental Care

Correcting Dental Spacing – The Orthodontical Treatment

The thought of the presence of space between your two front teeth lingers in your mind and has caused much anxiety. You decide to correct it and you have approached your Orthodontist. Here are the treatment options available to you to correct the dental spacing condition you have.

If Spacing is due to over sized labial frenum

We talked about a condition where the mid partition muscle found in the upper part of the inner lip overgrows to cause dental space. The spacing caused by this condition is rectified first by performing a minor surgery called frenectomy where this overgrowth is simply removed. After this the space is conspicuous and other treatment procedure available for people with dental spaces are undertaken.

Treatments for Closing the Dental Space

Dental Spacing in Children

The general  notion is, the spacing in children waters down and closes naturally as they grow. But it is always better to consult a Dentist who will evaluate the problem first hand to find if the spacing is because of the teeth only or because of both the teeth and the bone.

In case the problem is only because of the teeth, the correction can be done after the growth period which is after 13 to 15 years. If the problem is because of both the teeth and the bone, the correction should be attempted before the growth period ends.