Expert Dental Care

Dental Care during this Coronavirus period

This pandemic has overturned all our routines and the dental care routine is one among them. As a matter of fact, many people now wrongly feel that dental care can wait. While there are few dental procedures that can wait, a host of dental procedures cannot be delayed. Let us see in detail the dental care we need to follow with no compromises during this coronavirus period.

Are Visits to Dental Offices Safe?

Many restrictions imposed by the authorities have been lifted. If not they are slowly getting lifted. Operating a dental office has long been lifted in many parts of India. The relevant State health authorities have laid guidelines to operate a dental office and many dentists are adhering to such guidelines. Many safety precautions like sanitizing the dental office after a patient visit, dentists wearing full protection suits like PPEs, masks, etc. are in place. Dentists also prescribe covid tests for patients where and when needed. Hence a patient need not fear to visit the dentist where Covid rules are strictly followed in this pandemic period.

Dental Services that CAN wait

Dental Services that CANNOT wait