Expert Dental Care

Dental Implants and Dentures – A Comparison on Eating and Nutrition

Oral health does affect the rest of your body.  If you have missing teeth or if most of your teeth are missing, you may not be able to eat meat, raw vegetables, and other foods that are important to your well-being. In other words, your body may not be getting the required nutrition and hence the overall health is impacted.

While dentures can make things a tad easier, dental implants win hands down. There are limitations to what you can do with dentures but there exists no such limitations when you have dental implants.

Limitations of Dentures

Advantages of Dental Implants

So if you are edentulous (a condition where no teeth are present) either in the upper jaw or lower jaw, or both, consider getting all-on-4 dental implants or all-on-6 dental implants. Because dental implants are always a better option than dentures.