Expert Dental Care

How are TMJ and Ear Pain Are Related? What are the treatments?

When we have ear pain, we immediately think that there is some kind of infection. But there are many reasons why ear pain can happen and one reason is jaw joint disorder. Jaw joint or TMJ as they are called in medical terms connects our jawbone to the skull. TMJ also acts like a hinge assisting in activities like speaking, swallowing, chewing, etc. So how are TMJ and ear pain related? What are the treatments if ear pain occurs due to problems in the TMJ or jaw joint?

Why Jaw Joint or TMJ Ear Pain Occurs?

The jaw joint is nearer to the “Hear Canal” and hence any problems in the jaw joint can cause pain and inflammation to the ear. People with TMJ issues experience a ringing sound in the ear and this phenomenon is termed “Tinnitus”. If you are experiencing tinnitus, you should never ignore the symptom. Either an ENT specialist or a dentist can confirm if the ear pain is due to an issue in your jaw joint. If they confirm that your ear pain is not due to any infection or reasons other than TMJ issues, you need to check with a dentist who is specialized in treating TMJ-related problems.

What Are the Treatment Options for TMJ Issues?