Expert Dental Care

Maintaining All-on-4 Dental Implants

An all-on-4 dental implant is a wonderful option for replacing all your missing teeth. A patient normally undertakes to get all-on-4 dental implants after careful considerations to replace their missing teeth. Few teeth that could have anyways not been savaged would have been extracted by the dentist before going for the option. So after all these steps and getting the all-on-4 dental implant it is imperative to maintain it properly.

Before getting into the tips to maintain, it is better to know why oral hygiene is mandatory when it comes to maintaining all-on-4 dental implants. This implant type of dental implant has two components, the implants that are fixed permanently and fused to the jaw bone, and the teeth that are affixed on to the implant. In certain types, the teeth are screwed to the implant and can be removed only by your dentists and in certain types, the dentures are removable.

Maintaining Dental Implants

Whether the teeth are screwed to the implant or removable, the implants that have fused with the jawbones are common to both and they need to be properly maintained by following flawless oral hygiene. Here are a few tips

Maintaining the All-on-4 Implant if the Teeth is screwed to the Implant

General Points to Remember on Maintaining All-on-4 Implants