Expert Dental Care

Pericoronitis – Signs, Symptoms and Treatment

When the wisdom tooth starts to erupt they break the gum tissue to emerge from inside. In this process there will be pain and discomfort. But sometimes, the soft tissues surrounding the partially erupted wisdom tooth can be infected and inflamed. This condition is termed Pericoronitis. Here are the signs, symptoms and treatment for this condition.

Signs and Symptoms of Pericoronitis

It should be noted that if pericoronitis is left untreated, the infection might spread and can become serious.

Recommendation to avoid Pericoronitis

It is generally recommended that people should extract their wisdom teeth in early adulthood. It should be noted that even if you have decided to keep your wisdom teeth, no pain does not necessarily mean that there may be no infection. That is why it is always recommended to go for a regular dental visit. Your dentist will check the wisdom teeth thoroughly and recommend any treatment if need be.

Treatment for Short-term Pericoronitis

Short-term pericoronitis happens if the pain associated with pericoronitis lasts for 3-4 days only as the wisdom tooth is erupting. If it is a short-term pericoronitis, do the following.

If the pericoronitis infection was mild, the pain and discomfort should subside within 3-4 days. On the other hand if the pain is subsisting and you think that the swelling has not subsided, it is time to visit a dentist and get proper treatment. 

Treatment for Pericoronitis at Dental Office