Expert Dental Care

Reasons for Tooth Extraction and A Brief of Extraction Procedures

It may be quite unusual when a dentist advices you to remove your natural tooth. After all you were thinking that teeth are natural structures and you retain them till you die. Indeed quite true. But when things turn unusual and retaining your teeth might actually pose a health hazard, you are left with no options but to extract them.

Your dentist may advice tooth extraction under the following circumstances.

Tooth Extraction Procedures

Tooth extraction can be either a Simple Extraction or a Surgical Extraction based on the type of the teeth or how the teeth is positioned after an X-ray is taken. An X-ray can help the dentist ascertain of the tooth needs a simple extraction or a surgical extraction.

Simple Extraction – If tooth are visible on top of the gum layer, the dentist would easily remove them with the forceps. This process is called simple extraction. Often the Incisors and canine teeth removal is done using the simple extraction technique. The complexity of the molar and premolars makes them impossible to remove using this technique. However as we said earlier, an X-ray report gives the dentist a clear reason to decide which procedure to adopt.

Surgical Extraction – This technique is employed under the following conditions.