Expert Dental Care

What to do if My Child’s Teeth are Rotting?

An estimate says that more than 50% of children in India suffer from primary tooth decay. Many reasons are attributed to this increase. Increase in the consumption of chocolates, candies and biscuits are some of the main reasons. But there are other reasons too.

General Reasons why Indian Children’s Teeth are Rotting

So it is remarkably evident that sugar content in almost all food is affecting children’s teeth. The matter is compounded by the fact that most Indian children do not brush their teeth in the night because their parents do not have the habit.

What causes Tooth-rot?

Tooth decay or tooth-rotting is caused by the oral bacteria. The teeth that are coated with sugar are a feast for these bacteria. After they relish the sugar, they produce acids that corrode the teeth. The primary teeth are more susceptible due to their relatively smaller size.

Safeguarding Child’s Teeth from Rotting