Expert Dental Care

Why is Invisalign better than braces (metal or ceramic)?

Straightening your misaligned teeth is not just for aesthetic reasons. It gives better oral hygiene as straight teeth are easier to clean and maintain. As a result, they help protect teeth against decay and cavity. Correctly aligned teeth and jaw also helps to have a correct bite. There are many types of braces available that are helpful in straightening our teeth. Still, why are Invisalign touted as a better option to metal or ceramic braces?

Benefits of Invisalign over Metal or Ceramic Braces

Choice of Invisalign over Braces

It comes to the decision of the patient when it comes to choosing between braces or Invisalign. If the patient is a young child and has chances that they would remove the clear aligners quite often which can interfere with the treatment procedure, then braces are a much better option than Invisalign. For teens and adults who are more conscious about their appearance, smile, and aesthetics, along with treatment effectiveness, Invisalign is indeed a great option.