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Gum De-pigmentation

What is Gum De-pigmentation?

The process of removing the dark or brown pigments from the gums that have given its natural color and make them appear pink is called Gum De-pigmentation.

Gum Pigments – The Background

In some ethnic groups in India, Africa and other regions of the world, the gums are not pink in color. They are rather in shades of black or brown. This coloration is due to the presence of a pigment called “Melanin”. Yes, these are the same pigments that give the skin color too. Anatomically speaking, this pigment called Melanin, is produced by the Melanocytes cells that reside in the bottom layer of the gum epithelium.

Sometimes the dark-colored gum can also be because of smoking. Side effects produced by some medications is also thought to induce pigmentation in the gum layer.

Why Remove this Pigmentation?

It is purely aesthetic in nature and it is one’s choice if the pigmentation is because of genetics. If the pigmentation is otherwise because of smoking and other reasons, it can be to get rid of it. Either way, it is more of an aesthetic option.

Process Involved in Gum De-pigmentation

  • A variety of techniques are used for removing the pigments from the gum. The most popular is the dental laser.
  • A dental laser targets the darkened gum and ablates them. This process renders these cells not to produce melanin.

Post Care after Gum De-pigmentation

  • You will experience some kind of discomfort after getting the laser treatment but that would subside in few days time.
  • You should probably think of quitting smoking altogether if you want a healthy lifestyle. But if you cannot, you should abstain from smoking for at least a week after you get your laser treatment done.
  • Otherwise, you can lead a normal life once you get the pigments removed from your gum. You eat and drink anything of your choice.

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