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10 Reasons to say yes to Invisalign

There are many types of braces available in case you are looking to undergo orthodontic treatment to straighten your teeth. But the best option that clearly stands out is Invisalign. The treatment option with Invisalign eliminates many common problems associated with conventional braces and hence they are preferred. Here are 10 reasons to say yes to Invisalign instead of conventional braces.

Reasons why Invisalign is better than Conventional Braces

  • Convenience – They are made of clear high-grade plastic and have no sharp edges. They are clear aligners with no brackets or wires and hence are convenient to wear.
  • Invisible – They are aesthetically pleasing as they are clean and invisible while wearing. Unlike braces, the patient does not feel social participation in a worrisome aspect. Their invisibleness makes the patient smile freely.
  • Removable Aspect – The clear aligners are removable anytime, though they are recommended to be put on for not less than 20-22 hours a day for better results. This removable aspect makes them a flexible option.
  • Easier to Maintain – Since they are removable and made of high-grade materials, they are easy to maintain. The Invisalign tray can be cleaned by brushing them with your toothbrush and rinsing them in clean water.
  • Easy Oral Hygiene – Since the Invisalign is removable and can be removed anytime, the patient can maintain their oral hygiene without any glitch. All they need to do is simply dislodge the Invisalign tray from the teeth and do regular brushing, flossing, and rinsing of the oral area to keep perfect hygiene.
  • Less number of appointments – The follow-up visits required with your dentist is far less compared to the number of visits you need to take while wearing a conventional brace. Visits to dentists though less in number are mandatory and they help keep a tab on the alignment of the teeth.
  • Safety – Since no sharp edges or wires are present in Invisalign unlike conventional braces, they cause no accidental injuries to the tongue, lips, or other soft tissues of the mouth should they move slightly out of alignment.
  • Eat as you please – With brackets and wires on, you are deprived to eat what you like. But that is not the case with Invisalign. Simply remove the clear aligner and eat whatever food you like. By far this is the biggest advantage offered by Invisalign over conventional braces.
  • Straighten your teeth – The intention of wearing an Invisalign is to straighten your misaligned teeth. These clear aligners do a perfect job in aligning your teeth perfectly as intended.
  • Better Oral Health – An oral area with straight teeth are always better for your teeth and gums. They promote easy care to the teeth and in that process also promote overall health.