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6 Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry

The word “Cosmetic” in Cosmetic Dentistry may make one think that these changes done to your oral region are just for cosmetic purposes and nothing therapeutic in them. That is not fully true because it has considerable benefits for your oral health and general health too. Here are 6 points to ponder on the benefits of cosmetic dentistry. The services offered under cosmetic dentistry will change your perspective and make you think why these treatments are necessary.

Keeping the Function at the Best & Offering a Near Perfect Smile

If you have any intention of changing something about your smile, cosmetic dentistry comes to your rescue. Many different treatments are available when it comes to cosmetic dentistry. 

If you have issues like stains in your teeth, a procedure called Teeth whitening can help. If you have  chipped teeth then veneers or crowns can come to your rescue. If you have long teeth, then they can be shortened and vice versa. The pointed segments can be smoothed out. The teeth so cosmetically treated are then given veneers or crowns and restored. The above discussed fully cosmetic treatment procedures are considered by many to enhance their youthful appearance. There are other treatments like gum contouring that can be used to treat your gummy smile condition which is also considered cosmetic in nature. All these cosmetic dental treatments offer you a perfect smile as an end result and can make you look more youthful.

Cosmetic Dentistry Boosts Self Confidence

When you do not have a perfect smile, it makes you less confident in yourself. You may not choose to smile or even stop to laugh because no one wants to see your teeth. All these have a bearing on your psyche and can affect your mental well being. Cosmetic dentistry precisely addresses this problem by correcting the very oral issues you constantly worry about. It can let go of your fears and can make you smile with confidence. You may also now taunt your new and perfect smile with loads of self-confidence.

Cosmetic Dentistry Improves Bite Related Issues

Getting orthodontic treatment can straighten your teeth. In place of traditional metal braces you can choose more cosmetic ones like ceramic braces or Invisalign. The end result of any orthodontic treatment is correcting any problems with your bite. But in the process they definitely enhance your smile due to the straightened teeth. It may be noted that Orthodontic treatments are more therapeutic than cosmetic in nature because a poor bite can cause issues like recurring headaches, jaw joint issues, gum problems, uneven tooth wear, etc. So what started as a cosmetic quest can end up improving your quality of life.

Cosmetic Dentistry Improves Oral Health

Cosmetic dentistry many times can also help improve your oral health. Straight, uniformly-shaped teeth obtained as a result of bonding, placement of crown or due to orthodontic treatments are easier to maintain. They are easy to brush and floss, and the risk of plaque getting trapped in the crevices are reduced greatly. This means less risk of conditions like tooth decay, periodontal disease, and other oral health problems associated with plaque and tartar.

Cosmetic Dentistry Replaces Missing Teeth

A missing tooth is often thought to be a cosmetic issue where it does not make you smile with confidence. It is a dental problem that needs to be taken seriously as it can affect the adjacent teeth, make you not chew your food properly, etc. Missing teeth can be replaced by dental bridges or with dental implants that are more permanent of a solution. These solutions can mimic natural teeth in appearance and provide an aesthetic smile.

Cosmetic Dentistry Offers Long Term Results

The results of most cosmetic dental procedures are immediately visible. Most of them are actually long-lasting and stand the test of time. Some treatments may require retreatment like teeth whitening but a majority of them can last decades. If you are looking for procedures that require little maintenance and long lasting, your dentist will provide you with them.