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6 Common Questions about Root Canal Treatment

If you are told by your dentist about a need to get a root canal treatment, there are a few common questions that strike one’s mind. Dr Sravanthi, an expert root canal specialist in Chennai answers these common questions about root canal treatment.

(1) Why does my tooth need a root canal treatment in the first place?

The infection to the concerned tooth has reached so deep inside the root canal that it cannot be removed by normal tooth cleaning or even deep cleaning procedure. Tooth cleaning measures do not reach the root canal and hence a root canal treatment procedure is required.

(2) Is a root canal treatment procedure painful?

It is a myth that a root canal procedure is painful. Actually, in reality, root canal treatments haven’t been painful for well over decades. In fact, a root canal procedure effectively removes the source of pain. The modern endodontic techniques, equipment, and the expert application of anesthesia, all have allowed the patient to get a pain-free root canal treatment. There will however be minor discomfort after the root canal treatment procedure which is quite normal. This discomfort which is not always felt by many can be controlled by using pain medications or pain killers.

(3) How many sittings are required for a root canal treatment?

Generally, most root canal treatments are completed in a single sitting. If the root canal structure is complex or if the infection has gone beyond the root canal then the number of sittings can increase.

(4) Why not get the tooth extracted instead of getting a root canal treatment?

If a tooth has to be extracted, it creates a missing tooth. The missing tooth creates a problem in the long run and it can slowly affect adjacent teeth also. When your natural tooth can be salvaged by root canal treatment why should you get the tooth extracted? Therefore getting a root canal treatment is always a better option than getting the tooth pulled.

(5) What will happen if I do not do the root canal treatment and keep postponing the treatment?

If the infection in the root canal is not treated, the infection will spread further deep and can spread to another jawbone layer too. If the infection goes deeper it can cause an abscess which is an indication that the infection has traveled to the jaw bone. So the sooner you get the root canal treatment done, the better it is.

(6) Can infections in the root canal not be cured by administering antibiotics?

Sometimes pain can subside with antibiotic treatment. But since the root canal is deeply infected, it needs to be understood that the nerves are also infected. Antibiotic treatment cannot treat the infected nerves. Root canal treatment on the other hand can treat a badly infected root canal. Hence administering antibiotics cannot be a complete cure to salvage a badly infected tooth.