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7 Non-Aesthetic Reasons to get Invisalign

Invisalign is not just about providing an aesthetic look to us. Leaving aside the aesthetic reasons for which Invisalign are absolutely popular for, here are 7 genuine reasons why they need to be looked into.

7 Non-Aesthetic Reasons to get Invisalign

  1. A good bite – Braces were basically invented for correcting your bite problems. Aesthetic look was secondary in the thoughts of minds that invented it. A corrected bite brings you overall health. Needless to say, Invisalign corrects most of the bite problems.
  2. Proper positioning of the lower jaw in relation to the upper jaw – The lower and upper jaw have to properly align within themselves so that medical issues like TMJ or TMD, pain in the joints, clicking and popping, and digestion-related issues like inefficient and painful chewing, or the inability to chew, etc., do not occur. Any brace is designed to properly position your lower jaw in relation to your upper jaw and Invisalign is no exception.
  3. Better Digestion – The first stage of digestion starts in the mouth and it is often overlooked. The chewing of food, termed mastication, is required for the body to properly absorb nutrients. With not better chewing, only less nutrition from the food is absorbed. A better aligned teeth with no issues in chewing helps in better mastication.
  4. Better bone architecture – Properly aligned teeth have better bone architecture and gum positioning. If the teeth are crooked it is because the bone that is supporting the teeth is also crooked. So braces like Invisalign aim at correcting the bone architecture. Proper bone architecture free from being crooked promotes good gum and teeth health.
  5. Invisalign can fix facial, jaw, and neck pain – Any bite correction can have positive effect on teeth grinding and clenching that is leading to pain in the facial muscles, jaw and neck. So if there are joints related issues, Invisalign can also relieve pain in the facial muscles, jaw and the neck region.
  6. Better Oral Health Maintenance – Misaligned teeth are a problem for maintaining the oral health. The teeth that are crooked and misaligned have easy places for the tiny food particles to get stranded. These food particles facilitate the oral bacteria and can prove detrimental to oral health. So in a way, Invisalign helps you maintain better oral health.
  7. Speak better with Invisalign – The position of our teeth determines our ability to pronounce words better. So if you have improperly positioned teeth, Invisalign can help correct the same and may help in correcting the way you pronounce words too.