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8 Tips on Invisalign Aligners

After having got your Invisalign treatment, here are certain tips to follow on Invisalign aligners. These tips can not only help you maintain your aligners but can help guide you through your orthodontic treatment with Invisalign.

  1. Brush and rinse your Invisalign aligners in cold water. Make sure to clean your mouth and rinse thoroughly after your meal before you wear them back. This ensures proper oral hygiene.
  2. Keep wearing the Invisalign aligners all the time except when eating, drinking, playing, and brushing or flossing your teeth. It is recommended that Invisalign is worn for almost 22 hours a day.
  3. As you wear the Invisalign aligners for the first time in your life, you might feel discomfort. Some people also will report an unusual feel while speaking. Remember the fact that all these are only for few days until you get adjusted to the Invisalign aligners. Therefore never mind the discomfort for the first few days. Never ever remove the Invisalign aligners when you feel discomfort. Just get used to it.
  4. When the dentist has given you the next set of Invisalign aligners be sure to change them after the recommended time period. Usually, a new set of Invisalign aligners has to be worn every 2 weeks. Again, this frequency depends on the individual treatment plan as given by your dentist. Just make sure to keep up with the plan.
  5. Sometimes you may have to step back in the treatment as instructed by your dentist. This means you may have to wear an old Invisalign aligner. The probability though low may still happen. Therefore it will be prudent to retain all your old Invisalign aligners without throwing them away.
  6. Always carry the protective case of the Invisalign aligner with you. Since you may have some sudden meal plan outside, the Invisalign aligner can be held inside safely until you put them back. This prevents the aligners from getting accidentally mangled.
  7. Make sure to press your Invisalign aligner into their position without biting them.
  8. Never miss out on your dental appointment. Your dentist is the best person to check the progress of the treatment and inform if your treatment plan is on track.