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Black Fungus Infection post COVID19

Infection of Mucormycosis which is now generally propagated as the Black fungus is a relatively rare fungal infection is making headlines alongside Covid19. There are reports saying that the cases of this black fungal infection have risen phenomenally in this pandemic. Reason – It affects Covid19 survivors. Let us know more about this black fungus and how the oral region may be affected.

What is Mucormycosis?

It is a disease, often a deadly one, caused mostly by fungi belonging to the family Mucoraceae and hence the name. The major risk factor attributed to this deadly fungal infection is poor control over diabetes, immunosuppression, and bedridden due to accidents or trauma or in this specific case, COVID19. Since immunosuppression also is a possible reason, the administering of steroids as treatment for any disease plays a role in this infection. Patients with a history of poor control of diabetes and other diseases where they have a compromised immunity often succumb to this illness.

Mucormycosis – The Covid19 Connection

When patients have suffered from Covid19, have been administered any steroids as an immunosuppressant, and also have poor control over their diabetes, then they should be watchful for this infection.

The Oral Connection of Mucormycosis

The infection in the oral region occurs when the type of Mucormycosis is rhino-cerebral. It basically affects the upper jaw. The black fungus enters the sinuses through the breath. It then affects the blood supply to the upper jaw region. The infection then can extend up to the eyeball and sometimes even the brain. If the eyeball is infected with the black fungus, there will be no option but to remove the eyes to save the patient. Where ever the infection is spread the tissues are removed to save the patient. If the spread is not controlled then the condition is fatal. It is said that the fatality rate is around 50% generally and if the infection has spread, it is almost 85%.

What to watch out for – Some symptoms of Mucormycosis in the oral region and the face

(1) Swelling in the face, usually on one side
(2) Nasal congestion
(3) Black lesions in the nasal bridge
(4) Black lesions in the upper side of the inside mouth (upper inner jaw)
(5) Headache

In cases where the upper jaw is infected with black fungus and has not spread to the eyeball region, the Oral and maxillofacial surgeons remove the tissue or sometimes the entire infected region of the upper jaw.

If you have suffered from Covid19 and are presenting with any symptoms associated with Mucormycosis after your treatment is over for Covid19, consult a doctor immediately. Time is crucial and hence get treated without any delay.