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Common Dental Care issue in Special Kids

In special children, some dental care issues are common even though the caretaker takes the utmost care to ensure proper oral hygiene. Sometimes oral health may receive a backseat owing to the medical health deterioration of special kids. We have collated a few common dental issues faced by special kids and have also given solutions to address them.

7 Common Dental Care Concerns in Special Kids

  • Cavities – By far this is the most common dental issue that affects any special kids. The medicines and syrups given to the children are mostly sugary in nature and this can affect oral health by causing tooth decay. If left unchecked it can proceed to cause a cavity. Maintaining proper oral hygiene and mandatory brushing twice a day with a proper brushing technique can address this problem. A regular dental checkup can help keep a check on the tooth decay and cavity.
  • Bad Breath – Taking certain medications over a prolonged period of time can cause bad breath. It may also be because of certain digestive issues, juvenile diabetes, sinusitis, etc. Your dentist can check and tell if the bad breath is due to any dental issues or not and in this way the right cause can be found and treated.
  • Dry Mouth – This condition is also predominantly caused by certain medications. Dry mouth, as we all know, causes infections, decay, and gum diseases. Dental checkups can help find this and can address this issue in special kids. Jaw deformity in certain special kids can cause more drying up of mouth.
  • Food in the mouth – Some special kids don’t chew and swallow the food but rather they would keep food in their mouth for a prolonged time. This can encourage bacterial growth and can cause tooth decay. Caretakers should ensure that the child intakes the food properly.
  • Teeth Grinding – Most special kids have teeth grinding habits even while awake during the daytime not to mention the fact that many would definitely have the habit while sleeping. The caretakers should talk to the dentist for solutions like night guard for bruxism if the problem is severe and needs to be addressed.
  • GERD (Acid Reflux) – Special kids with medical conditions where they are permanently in resting position have GERD or acid reflux problems. Kids might also have the habit of lying down immediately after food. The acid from the stomach can leech the teeth and can wear them down. There are special kinds of toothpaste available to help prevent damage due to stomach acid.
  • Delay in Tooth Emergence – Special kids with Down’s syndrome have delayed emergence of the tooth. Talk to your dentist about what can be done to make the teeth emerge.