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Role of Laser in Cosmetic Dentistry

The therapies that are present in cosmetic dentistry are aimed to uplift the aesthetic aspect of your mouth. Traditionally, in cosmetic treatments, restorative dentistry utilizes mechanical or rotary instruments. The traditional approach towards cosmetic dentistry is changing with the increased integration of lasers in the field. With the current emphasis on cosmetic concerns, lasers are increasingly being used to effectively accomplish various aesthetic modifications. Many people and dentists are slowly beginning to realize the true potential of lasers in all branches of dentistry.

Apart from being effective, it also has several advantages. The use of lasers in cosmetic dentistry greatly reduces the requirement of anesthesia. Lasers also greatly minimize bleeding with little or no bleeding. The lasers used also have bactericidal effects that reduce the risk of infection. It also reduces the post-treatment pain and swelling. Here are some of the cosmetic dental procedures in which lasers are used.

Laser Gum Contouring

There are many aspects that allow one to have a pretty smile. One of the aspects of having a good smile is the balanced ratio between the gums and teeth. When too much gum tissue has grow, it can cover the teeth which can make the teeth look smaller and can result in a gummy smile. A gum lift or gum contouring procedure is one that involves removing the excess portion of your gum tissue to create an even and symmetrical smile. A conventional method involves using a scalpel to remove the excess gum tissue. Laser gum contouring uses a simple diode laser to give the perfect smile without the pain and excess bleeding experienced generally in conventional methods.

Laser Crown Lengthening

Crown Lengthening, unlike gum contouring, is used for both aesthetic and structural purposes. In this procedure, the gum tissue and sometimes the bone tissue also need to re-contoured. In this procedure, lasers are used to ablate or vaporize the required tissue. Lasers can be effectively used to contour the soft gum tissue and hard bone tissue alike.

Laser Gum De-pigmentation

Oral pigmentation is a condition where the oral mucosa of the visible gums surrounding your teeth is discolored due to various factors. Lasers can be used to de-pigment the gums and lighten them. The conventional method includes the stripping of the pigmented gum tissue using a scalpel.

Laser Tooth Filling

An excessively decayed tooth can look unhygienic while you talk, laugh, smile, or eat. This is certainly aesthetically not pleasing. Apart from its aesthetic aspect, it is also quite unhealthy to have an untreated decayed tooth. Hard tissue lasers can remove the decayed portion of the crown and prepare a cavity for filling. Also, lasers can also help in curing the filling material.

Laser Teeth Cleaning

Having a stained set of teeth is definitely not pleasing to look at. Using lasers, you can clean and remove the tooth stains and restore your teeth to its original color. Not only do lasers help in removing tooth stains, but it also disinfects your mouth.