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7 Ways to Help your Child Develop Oral Care Habits

Children need to be taught to lead a healthy life. Teaching them methods and procedures to maintain proper oral hygiene is a part of it. Your children need experience that is positive with their healthcare providers like dentists, pediatricians, etc. This makes them realize the importance of healthcare at a young age and also make them conscious about the healthcare providers. Here are 7 ways to help your child develop oral care habits.

  • Parents need to be a role model – Children often copy what their parents do. If their parents maintain proper oral care habits, children follow suit. Hence parents should make it a point to brush, floss, and rinse their teeth twice every day.
  • Give ownership to children – When you allow your children to pick their favorite toothbrush and toothpaste, they show more inclination to properly brush their teeth every day.
  • Schedule oral care activities daily – Make your child schedule their brushing and flossing every day at a given time. Ask them to prepare a chart and make them colorful by asking them to draw and paint their favorite cartoon characters. Make them fill the chart diligently daily so that they imbibe the habit.
  • Monitor brushing techniques – Teach your children how to brush. Let them know the brushing techniques and explain to them the reasons behind the brushing technique. Make them aware of germs, tooth decay in simple terms and drive the necessity of healthy oral care habits.
  • Set a time for 2 minutes brushing – An hourglass would be fun. Or the stopwatch option on your mobile phone is an excellent way to let your children know the importance to brush their teeth for 2 minutes.
  • Reward your child regularly – If your child has been maintaining the schedule diligently for a period of time, reward them generously. This can motivate them to maintain better oral hygiene.
  • Visit your dentist with your child – Keep visiting the dentist every six months or as per the calendar given by your dentist with your child. If they happen to make 2 visits every year to the dentist, your children get to imbibe the habit of visiting their dentist throughout their lives.