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Mon - Sat : 1000 hrs to 2100 hrs Sun : 1000 hrs to 1300 hrs

In our last post we saw how you are prepared for the actual surgery that corrects the lower jaw. Now we are aware that the wisdom teeth are removed before the actual surgery is done. We are also aware that braces are adorned to fix the bite position. After all these procedures are over, it is now time for the actual surgery.

What Happens in the Surgery? What are the procedures?

  • The orthognathic jaw correction is conducted in a well-equipped surgical theatre (operation theatre). Regular checkups are conducted to see if vitals are fine.
  • After this the patient is taken to the surgical theatre and is administered for general anesthesia.
  • The elongated lower jaw basically needs to be reduced or cut to obtain the desired length. The mandible or the lower jaw bone is cut on both the sides of the cheek.
  • Cutting the bone is called osteotomy. The cutting of the bone is very advanced and is accomplished by using special equipments.
  • The jaws are then repositioned to the desired position and are then wired together using special wires. In this way the elongated lower jaw is rectified surgically.
  • The procedure can last upto 3-4 hours depending on the complexity of the elongation.
  • Following the surgery, some elastics may be applied to control intial jaw movements.

Post Surgical Care

The lower jaw correction surgery is indeed a bit extensive. After the surgery is completed, it is imperative that the patient follows post surgical care.

  • The patient is put on liquid diet for almost six weeks after the surgery.
  • After this soft food is introduced slowly into the diet after the six weeks period. Only after optimum recovery, the patient is adviced for hard foods. Your surgeon who had performed the surgery is the best to analyse the recovery and advice on the food. Until then it is necessary to strictly adhere to the diets prescribed.
  • No smoking or taking alcohol for a period of six weeks after surgery. The best option is to avoid both altogether.
  • The patient needs to strictly also follow the medications prescribed by the surgeon / dentist.
  • No physical activity like daily house hold chores, workouts in gym or outdoor and llabor work in your profession is recommended during the healing period.