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Mon - Sat : 1000 hrs to 2100 hrs Sun : 1000 hrs to 1300 hrs

Having decided to get a dental implant is indeed a great decision because you now know that a missing tooth can play havoc to the adjacent teeth and bone. The dentist would have done a comprehensive dental examination and all the pre-implant procedures which may be necessary. The pre-implant investigations are meticulously done by dentist. The day of the surgery is nearing and what are the preparations you need to take? Here are 9 things to keep in mind before your implant surgery date arrives.

9 Things to keep in mind

  • Pre-op Food – Speak to your dentist if you are going to be given a general anesthesia or a local one. If you are given a general anesthesia, you will be instructed not to drink or eat anything before 4-8 hours. If it is going to be under local anesthesia, there is no restriction on meals prior to the surgery. Abstain from alcohol and smoke before the implant surgery at least for a week.
  • Post-Op Food – After the implant surgery, the first nutrition intake can only be a liquid food through a straw. Fruit juices, healthy smoothies and milk shakes can be a good option. If they have admixed protein powder, it is all the more good. Your dentist will let you know when you can move to soft foods like curd rice etc. Usually it will be after a day of the implant surgery.
  • Medications – Your dentist would prescribe necessary medications that may or may not include antibiotics before your surgery. Follow the medication plan diligently.
  • Event Planning – If you have any immediate event that is coming up in your family or elsewhere consult your dentist. Your dentist can help you get a cap for the missing tooth as an interim.
  • Dressing – A loose fitting cotton dress would make you more comfortable.
  • Ride Back Home – If you have been given only a local anesthesia, you might as well be on your own for getting your dental implants. However if you have been given conscious sedation of general anesthesia, do not come alone for the surgery though it may be a day care procedure. You may not be in a position to ride or drive back home alone. So get someone to accompany you for the dental implant procedure.
  • Keep Enough Gauze – Keep adequate gauze with you to clean the area should there be any oozing of blood. This is quite normal.
  • Rest and Sleep – If you have just got one dental implant done, you may be able to resume your work or study the very same day. If you have got many dental implant, take rest for one day atleast.
  • Avoid Exposure to Infection or Allergies – Exposure to infection or any other allergies for at least a week time is recommended. Of particular importance is cold. For example if you are susceptible to cold by consuming something ice cold, it is better to avoid.